Custom Designs

At Margyn Sportswear, we specialise in custom created sportswear and custom cycling kits. We will assist you with the design of your kit, listen to how you want your kit to look, fit and feel and then we will manufacture accordingly. Margyn Custom Sportswear means that you will look unique and feel comfortable in kit that fits YOU!

Some tips and thoughts for your design:

Here are 10 things which we think will help you to make fantastic custom cycling jerseys:

  1. Try and stick to one main colour and as few  secondary colours as possible. Otherwise your design can lose all its  shape and will appear just a splurge of colour. If you have sponsors  logos, see if the sponsors will mind adapting their logos to use your  chosen colours.
  2. Use lines and blocks of  colour that help accentuate the waist line as these will make you look like you are built like a pro (even if you don’t ride like one).
  3. The  most visible places to put a team name or logos on a custom design are  in descending order of prominence: chest, jersey side panels,  bicep/tricep, upper back, shoulders, shorts side panels, shorts above  the backside, collar front, collar back, lower back, belly.
  4. If you are going to have a lot of white in your custom jersey design, beware that it will get dirty very easily.
  5. Try  and use either text or a long thin logo for the side panels of the  cycling shorts and the cycling jersey. If you are going to have text (a  club name for example), try and use 10 letters or less, so that they  can be printed large.
  6. For custom tri suits and other custom triathlon kit you will be much more  restricted for space for your logos, but of course some logos will  still be much more prominent than others; so if you have a ranking for  sponsors, then tell us about it so we can help to put them in the right  places.
  7. Go in for some bold  colours to make your custom cycling clothing stand out – at Margyn Sportswear we can colour match to a scrap of paper or fabric or  a pantone reference and we can send you some fabric for you to approve  your colours